I firmly believe in the power of humans to reinvent themselves all through their life.
Education is a process intimately linked to personal evolution
and it does not begin or end with the school years.It is a life-long process that matters for continuous personal development.
I got to know Elena within the parenting workshop in Discover Me Kindergarden. She called her theme: „Each child is a wonder, each parent is loving and well intended”. It was a great workshop that revealed lots of great aspects that I continue to use in my daily professional activity
When they come into our lives, children are not accompanied by instructions manuals. To some parents life is easier, others instead need solid and constant guidance. We were in this point too. In the point where we needed to know that we build on the right track, that our relation with our kid is right, that we are not over-reacting, and most importantly we wanted to make sure that there not too much of „us” in our child. To us, the parenting workshop was the tipping point we needed to validate our parenting knowledge. I strongly recommend to anyone, as the benefits are immense and long term
Within the therapy sessions I went through with Mrs. Elena Anghel I started to know myself better and to dig deeper into my self esteem problems. I became aware of my assets and my resourcefulness. I began to work with relaxation practices and I discovered myself able to tame my negative emotions. It all resulted in an increased self-esteem and self love, if I may say so. As a consequence, or maybe not, love and esteem from others started to appear. Thank you, truly!
The encounter was a real pleasure, because I met nice children, I discovered new aspects in me and in the relation that I have with my sister. We are not only sisters, we are friends
Acest om frumos m-a ajutat sa infrunt toate problemele, sa le depasesc si sa imi traiesc unic viata rozThis beautiful person helped me confront my problems, overcome my fears and live my life „en rose
Taking part in the workshops that with Mrs Elena Anghel Stanila organizes brought me the answers I needed as a specialist, put me in contact with instruments and methods to guarantee that my own job is well done. I also had the opportunity to consolidate relationships with other specialists in my field of expertise. I found here powerful tools to strengthen the help I can give to my patients, parents and children altogether, for whom I work
Am doi copii (un baiat 4 ani si o fata 8 ani) si ma numar printre cei care au participat la cursurile de parenting ale Elenei, convins fiind ca acest gen de experienta ne poate ajuta sa ne imbogatim cunostintele si sa incercam sa fim parinti mai buni pentru copiii nostri. Ma bucur ca am ales acest grup deoarece numarul limitat /potrivit de participanti a facut posibila o interactiune fructuoasa pentru fiecare dintre noi, fiecare si-a putut impartasi propria experienta cu copiii, iar intrebarile noastre si-au gasit raspunsurile cautate. Multumim, Elena!
An exceptional person and an impeccable professional. I learned to be a mother with the help of her advice and I understood better my chid and myself