„Maximum of connection!”

Being happy at your workplace, sharing the conscience of a higher meaning and living a positive feeling of togetherness, these are mandatory for employees and therefore mandatory objectives for employers if they want to achieve success on a constant level. We are so engineered to reach our full potential only when our individual level of happiness gets intertwined naturally with the happiness of our peers and significant others. Such a strong bond makes our dreams become more than just dreams, gives us the energy we need for our life projects, both personal and professional. 

Our intervention strategies maximize wellbeing in organizations and focus on:

  • Parenting for employees
  • Development of the emotional intelligence level
  • Higher efficiency in one-to-one and group communication
  • Stress management and healthy interactions
  • Time management

Benefits for the employer:

  • Increase in motivation and capacity to focus on projects
  • Team work optimization through encouraging authentic behaviors
  • Productivity increase
  • Increase in loyalty

Benefits for the employees:

  • Personal and professional development
  • Increased level of life satisfaction and fulfillment 
  • Increased level of belonging to the organizational values and behaviors
  • The feeling of safety at the workplace

Both private and professional life need a good, safe and healthy balance and this seems to be a magic success formula nowadays within any organization. It’s not easy to obtain this good harmony and that is why organizational wellbeing trainings became a must in the latest years. A must that is also, fortunately enough, entertaining and very rewarding as a process in itself.