„New ideas flow in, blockages fall apart, and problems get solved”
There are certainly moments in our life when we don’t seem to be able to manage the problems that show up. We also have a clear desire to make our life more beautiful, to get rid of unproductive patterns, to offer the most of our love to the dear ones. These are the very reasons to start searching for a professional counseling to help us ignite our potential, re-invent ourselves and overcome obstacles.
Our consultancy and psychological intervention strategies allow for:
- Complex psycho-diagnosis
- Personalized intervention plan
- Good awareness upon how certain psychological mechanisms work in us
- Allowing new skills, abilities and behavior patterns to form
- (Re)forming of personality, of couple and family relations
- Follow up sessions for consolidation
Beneficiaries: children, teenagers, adults, elderly, couples and families
Types of interventions: individual and groups
Consultancy and psychological intervention at highest degree of professionalism generate fundamental and functional, therefore durable changes in people’s lives.